Image of notebook with tips and tricks written on it next to cup of coffee, binder clip, and pen
Non Profit

My Super Secret Tips & Tricks for Non-Profit Work

After 25 years of working in the non-profit world I’ve come up with my own little bag of tips and tricks. In an ever-changing field you need to have your tried-and-true solutions to go to. These things aren’t new or different but it’s the way I’ve used them to find success in my work. Forewarning that there are quite a few sports references, it’s just the easiest way for me to explain these tips and tricks, I am definitely not an athlete. 

Don’t take no for an answer.

Yeah, I already know what you’re saying but hear me out. Always lead with yes. I literally tell people, “I need you to say yes”. Not I “would like you to say yes”, or “you should say yes”. The word “need” is what’s important here. The definition of need is, “to require something because it is essential or very important”. What your ask is, whether it’s for a donation, a collaboration or funding is absolutely essential and very important for any non-profit.

You need to make the person or people in front of you believe in your mission and how important it is to not only you, but to them too. End your talk with, “I need you to say yes” or begin it that way. Using “I”, makes it personal and a way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. The statement isn’t a question it’s a request and one that makes it hard for people to say no. 

Innovate and Reinvent.

The words I hate most are “we’ve always done it this way”. It literally sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. Well, if you’ve always done it “that way” and you’re bleeding money and everyone is disconnected then it’s time to do something different. Hire a strategic planner or a non-profit consultant, have a retreat with your board, rediscover what your mission is. Then change your mission to make it current, sexy and relatable. Look at your fundraising vehicles and where there is opportunity to not put together yet another fundraiser but add new and exciting elements to what you already have.

I had an event that had been doing the exact same thing for over ten years. Participation had dropped dramatically, and the sponsorships and dollars just weren’t coming in. I changed the time of the event, it was just too long, the location and added live music. All of the meaningful elements were still there as well as the volunteers, fundraising and sponsorships. By just changing the location and feel of the event it changed the connection to the community. The crowd was huge, engaged and a wealth of possible new donors and supporters. It’s okay to reinvent and change what an event feels and looks like. You aren’t losing the emotional connection to your donors but enhancing it. 

Have a plan Stan.

I hate to sound like a broken record here, but seriously hire a consultant. Putting a fresh pair of eyes on your work will help to guide you through the work that needs to be done. Maybe it’s your processes or lack of that need attention and you didn’t even realize how efficient you could be. It can also be that you’ve lost your connection to the community and donors because you were so focused on the work. You have to give both sides of your non-profit even attention.

Also, having a fresh strategic plan that everyone has equal buy in too will go a long way. And I mean a working plan not something pretty that goes on a shelf never to be looked at it again. I mean an actionable plan that you can refer to and work from. It’s easy to get caught in the weeds of the work you do. I like to relate all of this to a soccer game (because that’s the sport I know the most about) you can’t be a sideline coach (screaming parent). You need a real coach that can see the whole field and knows the skills of all of their players. Having a coach provides order to the game and great encouragement. Invest in your non-profit and get a coach that will get you to a win.

Be Visible.

The more you’re seen the more people are apt to give. Designate someone or the Executive Director to be visible to the community. If there’s a ribbon cutting, go to it. After hours event, go to it. Political events, go to it. If there’s people, there then you should be one of those people. Meet people and learn about what they’re passionate about. When it comes time for you to look for sponsors and donors you know have a whole heap of people that you’ve connected with that now makes that ask a little bit easier. They’ve already heard from you about the work you do and the impact you’re having. People give to people they know. People give to causes that they emotionally connect with. You have to be on the field to play the game. 

This is by no means an all-inclusive list but something to get you started and to think about. There’s much more where this came from. Once again, get a coach, get in the game and start to see the work you’re doing in a different way. You have the ability to do great work and are positioned perfectly to do it. Now let’s get it done.